I’m not… I’m just…

10:20 AM

I’m not a man, I’m not a woman or a transsexual…
I’m not white, black, brown or yellow…
I’m not a Cristian, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Buddhist or an atheist…
I’m not straight, gay or bisexual…
I’m not a vegan, a vegetarian or a meat-eater…
I’m neither rich nor poor…
I’m not a royal, or a commoner…
I’m neither a capitalist nor a communist…
I’m not a champion or a looser…
I’m not a celebrity or a nobody…
I’m not a child, I’m not a young, not even an old person…
I’m not an American, not a British, not an Iranian, not a Chinese or a Korean…
I’m not European, Asian or African…
I’m not strong nor weak…
I’m neither a master nor a slave…
I’m not a psychopath, not a criminal, nor a sinner and not even a saint…
I’m not a human, not a dog, a pig or a fish or a tree…

I’m just a living being trying to live in peace and happiness.

All the conflicts, the discriminations and the injustice of the world are here not just because we categorize others; but because we categorize ourselves from the rest. Because we separate ourselves from the whole. Everything that is wrong starts when we separate ourselves from the rest and see us as different (may be even a little). But if we were to see that we are all but one, the world will be in peace and harmony.
Because discrimination starts not from without, but from within.


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