Self-holding events in time

6:06 PM

I think the problem with time travel is that we consider time to be flowing in a single direction. The so called "Arrow of Time". That is why the problem whether a certain story of time travel is consistent or not matters.

But what if time have some "mini loops" that runs on top of the great "Arrow of time" or just time is not an arrow but like an explosion flowing in different direction?

If there are mini loops, then there will be events or certain truths that only exist on a loop and are logically circular, like "event A" causing "event B" and "event B" causing "event A". That means that there are events that any of the chains of events starting from the "Big bang" didn't cause, but exist on the arrow of time as a "mini loop" that have no strings attached to the past. i.e. Events that have no reason or cause but exist on their own. Its like the "big bangs" are happening again and again in smaller scales within the universe creating mini-universes that interact with this universe. When that loop runs over there will be residual information of that universe(loop) existing but the important things is that some information will be lost. Small universes (that holds the information for the events happening in the time loop) being born and getting destroyed inside this universe will make time travel possible. Since a different universe holds the information for the time loop, this universe or the small universe won't have inconsistencies.

I think this is a problem not just about time travel on its own, but with our logic of reasoning. We expect the logic to be linear but what happens when the logic is circular. If that's the case then there actually is no problem with these kind of self-holding events.

The example where the future self of a person comes to the past and teaching the his/her past self to built a time machine is an example for this. The knowledge of how to build a time machine has no reason or cause to exist but exists on its own.

This is becoming a bit out-of-the-hand now, so I'll stop. Don't forget to criticize, comment or just share your idea on this.


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