Let’s evolve

10:05 AM

The theory of evolution is an unforgettable and an important milestone in the history of science. And since Darwin, it has come a long way evolving into the strong theory today.

In this article, I’m not going to discuss the process of evolution itself. But about an idea that I had about evolution. Here it is.

( DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is only a hypothesis and not actual facts )

I think there are 3 types of evolution (or rather 3 types of mutation – genetic or epigenetic), at least theoretically…

Passive mutation/evolution: organisms do not actively get involved in the process of evolution. Evolution just happen to them, like getting old, they don’t intend to do that, but it happens. Mutations happen on random or due to unintended external or internal changes.

Active mutation/evolution: organisms are actively involved in the process of evolution. The organism is intentionally changing by itself. Maybe to adjust to new surroundings or to any other reason. They do it by performing mutations on its own that may affect itself and/or its future generations.

Artificial mutation/evolution: organisms are mutated artificially by an external force (for example by humans) on purpose.


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